Solid financial performance is closely connected to responsible business practice. We believe companies that understand and address the impact of business on society, as well as the environment will be future corporate leaders. This is why KS Security is committed to making business decisions that address ethical, social and environmental concerns.
In the Community
As an organisation, KS Security recognises the significance of investing in the local communities in which we work. We are keen to encourage community cohesion by supporting the employment of local community residents and of young people through schemes such as apprenticeships, internships and work experience. We are also committed to supporting initiatives that benefit the local community, and the communities of our clients through sponsorship, participating in charity events and causes, and being involved in our clients CSR initiatives
The Environment
Energy efficient policies are incorporated into our services, premises and operations. Targets are set for progress on environmental aspects such as recycling, and incentive schemes are in place for all Head Office employees proposing new ideas to further minimise our environmental impact
We ensure that environmental issues are always included in Company training programmes. All our employees are encouraged to adopt sound environmental practices both at work and at home. The Company also promotes cycling to work and our modern vehicle fleet are all efficient low emission vehicles.
Checks buildings in assigned area for security and checks doors, windows, lights and equipment. Records any damage for repairs and for criminal incidents.
Monitors fire extinguishers, other safety devices and signs for proper functioning. Reports irregularities or problems.
Reports lights left on in buildings, turns outside lights on and off as directed reports burned out building and street lights, and reports doors and locks that are not working properly.
Keep unauthorized person out of buildings after closing hours, controls access to areas based on assignments, maintains regular contact with other guards & calls public safety officers in case of need.
Locks and unlocks doors based on scheduled and requests.
Assists Public Safety personnel as an assistant when called you.
To keep liaison with police/local authorities with a view to get timely help in the case of contingency.
To advice the management on such system as may be deemed necessary to carry out security activities effectively.
Checking of all incoming and outgoing material and keeping proper records there of the check pilferage/ mal practices.
To exercise access control and ensure that no unauthorized person enters the premises and also maintain record of all visitors.
Maintaining proper order & discipline in the unit area.
Duty allocation to watch and ward staff.
To carry out other ask allocated by management in the interest of security of the premises/installation.
We shall be fully responsible for ESI & EPF, and other statutory obligation.
Our security personnel will be at your service but he administrative control shall remain with us.